Our Mission

To promote gender parity, pay parity, women empowerment in the corporate world.

Contribute with us to social causes

Are you a responsible employer who wishes to contribute towards society? We provide an active opportunity for you right here. We, as an organization, work and partner with various NGOs in the fields of women’s education, and children’s literacy. A part of our profits goes to these organizations. When you get jobseekers from our portal, you automatically get to contribute to these amazing causes.

Why Women First
Why Women First

Our Vision

We envision ourselves as an absolute choice when it comes to women-centric jobs both in the minds of job seekers and recruiters. We wish to empower women around the world so that they thrive in their career, at the same time they get to contribute to society by registering with Women First Jobs.

Our vision has three important elements -

Empower : Equip women with professional tools to help them scale up in their career.

Thrive : Nudge women to break barriers, and companies to break the stigma of hiring women. 

Contribute: Help the society to create a more women-friendly environment through supporting significant causes.   

Trusted & Quality
Why Women First

Why Choose Us ?

We are first-of-a-kind

Women First Jobs LLC is the first-of-a-kind job portal that not only connects women professionals with businesses but also empowers and contributes actively towards the cause. Our vision is not limited to just mechanically connecting women profiles with business profiles but we go at lengths to train and prepare women professionals for several positions. Our way of contributing towards society is to empower women across the world towards better employment and higher scalability within their companies. We support women candidates through active initiatives such as career development sessions, skills enhancement guidance, resume building, re-hiring post maternity, re-employment after familial breaks/surgeries etc.

We believe today’s women are empowered; this fact just needs to be acknowledged in board rooms because women actively contribute to a company’s growth as much as other genders. We, as a company, further this cause by contributing part of our company’s profit towards women-centric and children-centric non-profit organizations.

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