
We at Women First Jobs believe in Empowering the women talent from all over the world. Real empowerment will only happen when we equip the females with the right platform and the skillsets with the help of the various corporate organizations. With the help of various corporate leaders, we create various job opportunities for the women.

WFJ prioritize holistic empowerment programs by offering comprehensive programs that go beyond job placements. These programs may include mentorship, skill development workshops, leadership training, and personal development initiatives. By participating in these programs, female candidates gain confidence, enhance their skills, and strengthen their overall professional profile, making them better equipped for career success.

Corporates can promote gender diversity in leadership positions by actively recruiting and promoting women to senior positions. This can help to create a more inclusive workplace culture and provide role models for other women employees. By supporting and promoting talented women, we contribute to creating a more inclusive and balanced workforce.


Meet Ms. Sadika Kebbi,

We are pleased to announce our collaboration with Ms. Sadika Kebbi, who is a dynamic and inspiring individual to support the contribute vision of Women First Jobs.

As a TEDx Speaker, Ms. Sadika Kebbi has captivated audiences around the world with her thought-provoking talks that shed light on the power of personal transformation and the importance of value-based leadership. 

Furthermore, Ms. Kebbi's collaboration with Women First Jobs underscores her commitment to empowering women in the workforce.

We at WFJ provide opportunities and support for women to access meaningful employment, develop their skills, and thrive in their chosen careers.

This collaboration reflects Ms. Kebbi's dedication to gender equality and her belief in the potential of women to excel in leadership roles.

Excited! Let us help you get connected with the required programs for individuals’ and corporates. Contact us and be the part of our VISION of Women First Jobs.

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