About US

Welcome to Women First Jobs

Welcome to Women First Jobs

Women First Jobs LLC is on a mission to change the status quo. A status quo that tolerates gender disparity in employment. We are here to change the hiring world.

We believe thousands of companies are losing out on a powerful workforce every year. They are missing out on hiring some of the most immensely talented women across the globe, women who are empowered, professional, and talented.

The singular focus of our company is to bring talented women professionals to the forefront of hiring, and making their profiles available to companies in every field. Our women-only job portal seamlessly connects and matches women professionals with related companies and businesses. 


Priyanka Sengar


Priyanka Sengar

Priyanka Sengar is a devoted professional who balances a career and motherhood with ease. She is passionate about transforming the way businesses perceive women in the workplace. Priyanka firmly believes that women possess innate multitasking skills that enable them to excel both at home and on the job. She advocates for companies to recognize that working mothers bring a unique perspective to the table and that their skills are not diminished by familial obligations.

With a 14-year career in the corporate world and degrees from the prestigious IIM and Kellogg School of Management, Priyanka is well-equipped to lead change. She is a versatile professional, having worked as an influencer, blogger, Yoga trainer, and accomplished executive. Her vision for Women First Jobs was born out of a desire to address the significant job and pay disparities facing women professionals. By creating a platform that empowers women and values their contributions, she hopes to transform the corporate landscape. Priyanka firmly believes that a society that supports and uplifts women benefits both businesses and customers alike. As Founder and CEO, she is the driving force behind the company's success.

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